Our story is a bit complicated.  Two churches with very different beginnings, quite different roots and whose journeys weren’t very similar decided to come together and form one church out of the two.  Sounds a bit crazy, right?  It kind of is.  But we’re convinced that this is what God is calling us into.  We’re convinced that this is what God’s Kingdom is about – bringing different people together to celebrate and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.  We’re committed to diving deeply into the truth of God’s heart for us.  And we’re committed to one another.

Metrobrook Church and (the old) Brew City Church started in 2005 and 2006, respectively.  One of those churches began with about 250 people in an auditorium, the other started with about 8 people in a basement.  The next seven years were marked by both smooth and rough stretches of road in their journeys.  Some dreams came to fruition, some early ideals were abandoned and these churches were marked by both the beauty and the messiness that comes with real relationships.   Their stories were about as different as their beginnings, but these two churches shared a number of things, as well.  They shared a heart to see the Gospel of Christ transform the city of Milwaukee.  They shared a heart to see those who were lonely, lost and felt forgotten find a home and experience love and acceptance.  They shared a heart to make disciples of Christ who would understand and advance the counter cultural Kingdom of God.

When Jesus Christ walked the earth, He couldn’t stop talking about the Kingdom of God.  Jesus talked about this Kingdom of God that would transform the world through radical, self-sacrificial love.  This Kingdom would be marked by the way Christ’s followers came together and loved one another.  This is what our story is about.

We grew in love and affection for one another while we were separate churches in the same city.  We grew in relationship with one another and felt the Holy Spirit bringing us together.  After months of prayer, conversation and dreaming together about what our future could look like together; we merged and launched the new Brew City Church on April 22nd, 2012.  Now our stories have turned into one and we find ourselves figuring out what church looks like together.  We’re trying to manifest this command of Christ Jesus; love God and love one another really well, and then let that love overflow to the people around us in the city of Milwaukee and abroad.

Our story is just beginning…but we are a part of a story that’s been playing out over centuries and generations.  That story is that in Christ, God is bringing wholeness and life to a broken and sinful world.  God has called us to come together to bring His truth, His love and His wholeness to the brokenness around us.  We’d love for you to be a part of this story!